Your voice has the power to change your community

Our Mission & Purpose

Our communities suffer when they aren’t represented; when they have no voice. Agenda was founded in early summer 2022, because too often women and other people from underrepresented backgrounds in politics are overlooked, under-estimated, and boxed out of any real power. This has led to bad policy outcomes, rising inequality, and ultimately prevents our mutual prosperity.

Our agenda is to propel promising women and underrepresented political leaders into greater power–making them and their ideas impossible to dismiss–so that they can do more good for their communities. 

Underrepresented political leaders refer to any group that is systematically excluded from meaningful power. Women are the largest group we focus on, but we also include others on the margin, people who are LGBTQ+, immigrants, and youth.

A precursor to systemic change in policy is changing whose voices are included in the debates. As long as there is a tokenistic approach to inclusion, people in power will continue to seek “some woman” to fill a quota or represent all women without really making an effort to change the systems.

What We Do

We aim to create a network of capable and inspiring leaders, who are ready to take on the mantle of big systemic change.

  • We train, coach, and network women and individuals from other under-represented groups who are committed to social and environmental justice and are interested in pursuing, or already hold positions of, political and public leadership.

  • We provide expertise and strategic assistance in order to advance women’s and under-represented group’s public and political power, for example, through communications, digital media, grassroots fundraising, and issue campaigns.

  • We produce and distribute videos and digital content in support of our mission.

  • We commission research and share findings on women’s and other under-represented group’s political views, voting behavior, and top issues of concern, as well as on issues that disproportionately impact them, and…

  • We seek to understand the barriers facing people from different communities and tailor programming to that understanding.


  • Identified a first cohort of women fellows that includes a national labor leader, two mayors, a city councilor in a city famous for the presence of organized crime, and one of the youngest new Members of Parliament.

  • Convened a retreat that focused on tactics for building political power, as well as structured space for self-reflection and a chance to tap deeper into both personal and collective strength and resilience.

  • Provided direct support to each fellow, including media training, framing and narrative work, coaching, individual branding and videos, and sharing stories.

  • Connected fellows with prominent leaders who can directly speak to their experiences or build their skills, from internationally celebrated campaigners to heads of state.



Co-founder and Board President


Co-founder and Board Member


Board Member

Contact Us

Our work is just getting started. If you want to be involved, collaborate, or help us grow, we’d love to hear from you.